HCIM Prerelease 2021-2(EN)

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Attention! This is not the most recent HCIM prerelease.
The most recent HCIM prerelease is ''2022''. The most recent HCIM release is ''2020''.

Prerelease 2021-2

This is a prerelease. More information about prereleases and releases you can find here.
The following summary shows which hcim's are part of this release, including the version numbers.
More information on Prerelease 2021-2 you can find in the ReleaseNotes 2021 (in Dutch) and in the sections below.

Health and care information models prerelease 2021-2

group: Administrative, count: 7

CareTeam-v1.0.1 Encounter-v4.0.2 HealthProfessional-v3.5.1 Payer-v3.2
ContactPerson-v3.5 HealthcareProvider-v3.4 Patient-v4.0

group: Clinical context, count: 27

Alert-v4.1 FeedingPatternInfant-v1.1.1 MultidisciplinaryTeamMeeting-v1.1 SkinDisorder-v3.4
AllergyIntolerance-v4.0 FeedingTubeSystem-v3.3.1 NutritionAdvice-v3.2 SOAPReport-v1.1
BladderFunction-v3.2 FunctionalOrMentalStatus-v3.2.1 PainCharacteristics-v1.0 Stoma-v3.3
BowelFunction-v3.1.2 HearingFunction-v3.2.1 Pregnancy-v4.1 Vaccination-v4.1
Burnwound-v3.5 Hypersensitivity-v1.0 PressureUlcer-v3.4 VisualFunction-v3.3
DevelopmentChild-v1.2 Infusion-v3.4 Problem-v4.5 Wound-v3.4
EpisodeOfCare-v1.0 MedicalDevice-v3.4 Reaction-v1.0

group: Measurements, count: 15

BloodPressure-v3.2.1 DAS-v1.1 LaboratoryTestResult-v5.0 Respiration-v3.2
BodyHeight-v3.1.1 FluidBalance-v1.0.1 O2Saturation-v4.0 TextResult-v4.4
BodyTemperature-v3.1.2 HeadCircumference-v1.3 PulseRate-v3.3 VisualAcuity-v2.0
BodyWeight-v3.2 HeartRate-v3.4.1 Refraction-v1.1

group: Medication, count: 7

AdministrationAgreement-v1.1 MedicationAdministration2-v1.1.1 MedicationContraIndication-v1.1 MedicationUse2-v1.2
DispenseRequest-v1.1 MedicationAgreement-v1.3 MedicationDispense-v2.1

group: Partial information models, count: 8

AddressInformation-v1.1 ContactInformation-v1.2.1 NameInformation-v1.1 Range-v1.0.1
AnatomicalLocation-v1.0.1 InstructionsForUse-v1.3 PharmaceuticalProduct-v2.1.3 TimeInterval-v1.1

group: Patient context, count: 17

AdvanceDirective-v4.0 FamilySituation-v3.3 LegalSituation-v3.0 ParticipationInSociety-v3.1
AlcoholUse-v3.3 FamilySituationChild-v1.3 LifeStance-v3.2.1 TobaccoUse-v3.3
DrugUse-v3.4 HelpFromOthers-v3.01 LivingSituation-v3.4
Education-v3.2 IllnessPerception-v3.1.1 MaritalStatus-v3.1
FamilyHistory-v3.2 LanguageProficiency-v3.2 Nationality-v3.0

group: Scales en screening tools, count: 14

ApgarScore-v1.1 DOSScore-v1.0 PainScore-v4.0 StrongKidsScore-v1.1
BarthelADLIndex-v3.1 FLACCpainScale-v1.1 SNAQ65+Score-v1.2.1 TNMTumorClassification-v2.0
ChecklistPainBehavior-v1.1 GlasgowComaScale-v3.3 SNAQrcScore-v1.1
ComfortScale-v1.1 MUSTScore-v3.1 SNAQScore-v3.2

group: Selfcare, count: 10

AbilityToDressOneself-v3.1.1 AbilityToGroom-v1.0.2 AbilityToPerformNursingActivities-v1.0.1 ToiletUseAbility-v3.1.1
AbilityToDrink-v3.1.2 AbilityToManageMedication-v1.0.1 AbilityToWashOneself-v3.1.1
AbilityToEat-v3.1.1 AbilityToPerformMouthcareActivities-v3.1 Mobility-v3.3.1

group: Treatment, count: 7

CareAgreement-v1.0 NursingIntervention-v4.0 Procedure-v5.3 TreatmentObjective-v3.2
FreedomRestrictingIntervention-v1.1 OutcomeOfCare-v3.3 TreatmentDirective2-v1.0

New information models in prerelease 2021-2

In prerelease 2021-2 a number of new information models are added to the national set of HCIM's.

New HCIM's


Pre-release 2021-2 was published by adhering to a novel improved pre-publication procedure of the HCIM. For more information, click here. One of the features of this improved procedure method is that important changes to existing HCIMs and new HCIMs are first published in a pre-release and will no longer automatically end up in the next release. The new Hypersensitivity and Reaction HCIMs are examples of new HCIMs that are now being published in pre-release so that they can be used in a limited number of use cases. For that limited number of use cases, the new Hypersensitivity and Reaction HCIMs replace the existing Allergy Intolerance HCIM. In accordance with the improved procedure or pre-release, the decision whether these 2 new HCIMs will replace the existing Allergy Intolerance HCIM will be taken later in the preparations for a new release. As a consequence, the existing Allergy Intolerance HCIM is also still included in this pre-release, in addition to the 2 new HCIMs mentioned. Allergy Intolerance will remain valid for use cases for which the new Hypersensitivity and Reaction HCIMs will not be used.

Special information models

Partial information models

To enable reuse of information patterns, which do not themselves describe a complete (care) concept, partial information models (substructures) have been defined and applied.
Unlike complete HCIM’s, partial information models are never used independently, but always included (inclusion) in the model of a complete HCIM.
See Architecture Document Volume 1 for more information on this.
Partial information models can be identified by the prefix "nl.zorg.part" in the HCIM name.

Templates for HCIM's

As of publication 2020, templates will be used where possible as design patterns for the development of new HCIM's.
More information about these templates can be found on the special wiki page on this topic. This page is also accessible via the main menu on the left of this page.


At the bottom of each HCIM wikipage you can find links to download the HCIM information in PDF of XLSX format.
It is also possible to download the whole set of HCIM's of this release in one file as PDF(80 MB), XLSX or XMI. The last file also contains valuelist in XML format.

Additional information


  • Starting from prepublication 2018-1, LOINC and SNOMED CT terms are displayed in Dutch wikipages in Dutch and in English wikipages in English, if an official translation is available.
Attention! Publication 2020 contains many newly created SNOMED CT codes. These codes are not yet included in the current SNOMED CT release at the time of publication. As a result, these codes are incorrectly referred to as 'unknown code'.
This will be resolved after the new SNOMED CT release.
  • A section has been added to each HCIM wikipage indicating which other HCIM's the building block refers to and in which other HCIM's the HCIM is used.