General information
Name: nl.zorg.FluidBalance
Version: 1.0.1
HCIM Status:Final
Release: 2021
Release status: Prepublished
Release date: 01-12-2021
DCM::CoderList | Werkgroep RadB Verpleegkundige Gegevens |
DCM::ContactInformation.Address | * |
DCM::ContactInformation.Name | * |
DCM::ContactInformation.Telecom | * |
DCM::ContentAuthorList | Werkgroep RadB Verpleegkundige Gegevens |
DCM::CreationDate | 11-10-2016 |
DCM::DeprecatedDate | |
DCM::DescriptionLanguage | nl |
DCM::EndorsingAuthority.Address | |
DCM::EndorsingAuthority.Name | |
DCM::EndorsingAuthority.Telecom | |
DCM::Id | 2.16.840.1.113883. |
DCM::KeywordList | Vochtbalans |
DCM::LifecycleStatus | Final |
DCM::ModelerList | Werkgroep RadB Verpleegkundige Gegevens |
DCM::Name | nl.zorg.Vochtbalans |
DCM::PublicationDate | 01-12-2021 |
DCM::PublicationStatus | Prepublished |
DCM::ReviewerList | Projectgroep RadB Verpleegkundige Gegevens & Kerngroep Registratie aan de Bron |
DCM::RevisionDate | 28-08-2020 |
DCM::Supersedes | nl.zorg.Vochtbalans-v1.0 |
DCM::Version | 1.0.1 |
HCIM::PublicationLanguage | EN |
Revision History
The total water intake and water excretion within a certain time period: a disbalance can lead to for example dehydration or overfilling.
Information about the water balance provides insight in the care plan for drinking and possibly administering extra fluids, when the balance is disrupted such as dehydration or overfilling.
Evidence Base
The definitions of the concepts were (partly) based on the guideline Dehydration by the VvOV.
Information Model
Type | Id | Concept | Card. | Definition | DefinitionCode | Reference | ||||||
NL-CM:12.15.1 | FluidBalance | Root concept of the FluidBalance information model. This root concept contains all data elements of the FluidBalance information model. |
NL-CM:12.15.6 | Comment | 0..1 | Comment on the fluid balance. |
NL-CM:12.15.4 | FluidTotalIn | 0..1 | The total of fluid intake (e.g. by mouth, drip or tube feeding) in mL. |
NL-CM:12.15.5 | FluidTotalOut | 0..1 | The total of fluid excretion (e.g. urine production, drain, watery defecation) in mL. |
NL-CM:12.15.2 | FluidBalanceStartTime | 1 | The time at which the measurement of the fluid balance was started. |
NL-CM:12.15.3 | FluidBalanceStopTime | 1 | The time at which the measurement of the fluid balance was stopped. |
Columns Concept and DefinitionCode: hover over the values for more information
For explanation of the symbols, please see the legend page
Example Instances
Only available in Dutch
Vochtbalans | |
VochtTotaalIn | 1400 ml |
VochtTotaalUit | 1000 ml |
VochtbalansStarttijd | 19-12-2016 0:00 |
VochtbalansStoptijd | 20-12-2016 0:00 |
Toelichting | - |
This information model in other releases
- Release 2017, (Version 1.0)
- Prerelease 2018-2, (Version 1.0)
- Prerelease 2019-2, (Version 1.0)
- Release 2020, (Version 1.0.1)
- Prerelease 2022-1, (Version 1.0.1)
- Prerelease 2023-1, (Version 1.0.1)
- Prerelease 2024-1, (Version 1.0.1)
Information model references
This information model refers to
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This information model is used in
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Technical specifications in HL7v3 CDA and HL7 FHIR
To exchange information based on health and care information models, additional, more technical specifications are required.
Not every environment can handle the same technical specifications. For this reason, there are several types of technical specifications:
- HL7® version 3 CDA compatible specifications, available through the Nictiz ART-DECOR® environment
- HL7® FHIR® compatible specifications, available through the Nictiz environment on the Simplifier FHIR
This information model is also available as pdf file or as spreadsheet
About this information
The information in this wikipage is based on Pre-release 2021-2
SNOMED CT and LOINC codes are based on:
- SNOMED Clinical Terms version: 20210731 [R] (July 2021 Release)
- LOINC version 2.67
Conditions for use are located on the mainpage
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